

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Role/ identity confusion

Meetings after meetings for the entire week but somehow, it brings back the passion in me as I explain my case in front of a group of people. People who stops and listens to what you have to say. It's a good feeling but God reminded me that my motivation should come out of love n speaking for justice rather than wanting to look good in front of my boss or feeding my own ego. Yesterday I read an article on Singaporean women not making good wives cos according to the men interviewed, we are self-centered, self-opinated and materialistic. When it comes to good wife material, it seems the good but non-traditional characteristics of the woman are being greatly downplayed. Good traits such as independence, strong will, a mind of our own etc. Aren't this equally important in the choice of a mate? I would think so. The many roles of women has always been a debatable issue. We are sometimes required to be soft on the outside and tough on the inside and yet other times, soft on the inside and tough on the outside. The work domain n the family domain in conflicts with each other. Role confusion is but an understatement in this competitive yet patriarchal society we live in. I say it becomes identity confusion eventually. Afterall, we live the role we are being given. At some points, either one will have to take over more, as the situation requires. So dun blame a woman for having mood swings or being temperamental. It's a coping mechanism in the midst of the chaos.

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