

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A gift from Tracy

My cactus' name is "And God made it grow"

I suddenly wish that my cactus will flower. It'll be so beautiful I believe. Though its a strong plant that doesn't require much care, I believe that it is growing under Your care. That You are the one who makes it grow. Its outer appearance so simple and common and even boring but yet, it's so resilient but yet, left too long on its own, it will go into dormancy. I guess sometimes we just forget that even though it d.n require a lot of care, that it is still there. I love my cactus and I look at it every morning when I come to work.

It's the first thing that comes to my mind and sight when I reach my desk. Tracy ask me if I measure it everyday cos I'll periodically report to her of its growth but actually i dun. I just do a couple of times everyday and a couple of times every few hours when I feel like it :P Sometimes I feel it will grow in a few hours' time. And I am so proud that it has grown 4cm! New buds coming from below today.

God, can you give me a cactus flower? :)

(I think August is a month of gifts, every entry seem to be about gifts haha. Lovely)

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