

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Time with my best friend

Chicago musical - not mind-blowing but definitely entertaining with some really funny parts :P The singing was good and dancing too, just that the costumes and stage props abit plain...well, the hot fav of the night has to be Amos aka 'Mr. Cellophane". When he ended his piece, the audience screamed, whistled and clap loudly haha, he's not that unnoticeable after all. I told Trac that people always like the underdog, which she agreed. There was the Velma and Roxy peice that they are their own best friend. It's kind of sad, def not what I believe in. I did have my best friend there with me :) Overall, worth the money for me :)

After the muscial, I picked up a bookmark which says, "You taught me language and my profit is I know how to curse" from The Tempest. It kinda captured my attention. Isn't it true that some things are neutral in itself but its how its being used and the purpose of it that makes it constructive or destructive.

Something to think further about :)

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