Dying halfway...
Breathless, irritable, going crazy, squeezed dry...
I feel so unsupported that my boss just left me here with the tons of things to do, which does not even fall under my scope in the first place and she just left like that, without telling me. Yes, it feels horrible to be thrown two emails asking for a social report (of a boy who is not even under my charge) and 4 cases to be checked and 4 discipline reports to be investigated at 430pm,when I JUST came back from the hospital after going through the medical test with the child and receiving the anger outburst from her mother since morning and having to pay for my cab fare first. After having finished the investgations and wanting to go and look for her, I realised she has left the office.
I am fuming, yes. Seriously. I can't stand such irresponsible people. What kind of team spirit is this I dunno. I just feel like I am being treated like a robot, not a human.
Take, take, take it all. Every single piece of me till there is none left, maybe den will they stop. Finally. Then I can RIP.
It takes a bad leader to show you what a good leader looks like.
I am thankful for the operation manager who bothers to make a phonecall to me to lighten my burden. The printer in the office has been down and I cannot print out my work in time to submit. As a desperate measure, I just emailed the reports instead. He called up in less than 15 minutes to say that in the future, he will print out all the reports and help us to record them in the log book. He also understood the frustration we faced in having to live with a faulty printer. He is truly there in time of needs, answering phonecalls over the weekends and giving direction when my boss is not picking up and only reply when things are settled.
Thank God for the light at the end of the tunnel :)
everything fine? :)
Thanks, I am not seriously dying yet. It was just an emotional moment :)
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