

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Every year I grow, You are bigger

In the midst of change and transformation, we realise that the older we get the more we need somebody bigger than we are to restore what we have lost. In Prince Caspian C.S. Lewis gives us a magnificent illustration of this. Lucy has just came face to face with Aslan:

"Welcome, Child," he said.

"Aslan," said Lucy, "You're bigger."

"That's because you are older, little one." answered he.

"Not because you are?"

"I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger."

God has promised that when we find him, it is not that everything around us has changed but that we have become new. The old way of looking at things is gone. Retaining while moving forward becomes the glimpse given to the new creation. It is not that there are no more dissappointments but that we look at them differently. It is not that there are no more temptations but that we respond to them differently. It is not that there is no more of the same old thing but that we have learned to appreciate and treasure the old things. It is not that nothing is ever lost but that we don't hold on to things in the same way. It is not that nothing is ever new but that we receive it with a different perspective. The more we mature in our thinking the bigger God looks to us, because it is we who need to grow, not He.

(From Recapture The Wonder)

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