

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It feels good to be teeny weeny me :)

Yesterday wei asked me whether I look forward to the Korea trip...I think I must have looked a little blank, not sure how to answer but I managed to reply, "Hmm..ok lor...I can't look forward to something that is not certain." (Pause) "Hmm... you know right?" She nodded. I guess I am more of someone who lives in the moment more than for the moment. Yes, I will countdown, I will imagine the possibilities but somehow it stops short when reality sets in and I am certainly not one who drowns myself in the fantasies nor idealistic world so much so that I lose sight of things...

While I like to believe that I am a dreamer, I am very predictable as well. I like to be in a place I know exactly what to do next. It sounds strange but it's kinda true. It makes me feel like I will save time when I know what is expected of me... ok..maybe I am talking about work. At the same time, I am a dreamer and I hope for what is greater than myself and everything else, I love the idea of being immerse in something bigger and feel teeny weeny, like basking in the beauty of nature and simply be in awe. That's like pure bliss.

I know there are pple who wait and wait for that time to come and sometimes, when it comes, they just feel empty and what they imagine falls flat. Disillusion? Perhaps? For me, I don't feel so excited before the actual event happens till it becomes very real to me and when it does happen, it always never fails to amzed me and I will be like..yup, this is how I imagined it to be or rather, yup, this...this is what I wanted it to be :) Maybe I am exaggerating, maybe it doesn't happen all the time to me but when it happens each time, I will be like .... yup, this is it.

I thank God for His blessings at work... compliment from my boss today. More smiles from her recently... I thk God for my colleague who arranged for her niece to help me get my iphone 4. I have tried 3 times but to no avail, each time they are all swiped out before 11am. The iphone4 craze still unending...but thks to him, it will be delievered to my hse this Sat. I also thk God for the catching-up with old friends these few weeks, somehow God just created opportunites for it to happen. Everything just fall into place nicely.

One more week before December comes. My favourite month of the year always cos it comes in a package - bonus, my birthday, Christmas and countdown. What more can I ask... My heart tells me that next year will be a good one. New milestones, new changes, new beginnings, new ventures...

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