

Monday, July 12, 2010


As I look at the students making the props for an event, it reminds me of my student days when we would make banners together. Spraying, pasting, cutting, painting, fixing. Helping one another. One person holding the can while the other spray. One person holding the scotch tape while the other cut into pieces. A few pple holding the cloth while one person draw on it. Plus the occasional laughter and silly things such as the balloon suddenly bursting. Till late into the night and when we see the final product, the deep sense of achievement and fulfilment, like wow, we made it. It's so nice! All the efforts have not gone to waste.

It's a good feeling.

A good feeling to know that we cannot make it alone. That we need one another.

Teamwork is making things work while not feeling like it's hard work

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