

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Worship You alone

I want to be the humingbird which always finds a flower in the desert instead of the vulture which find carcass in the desert...

"What is it about women that creates such a desperate need in us to always "know", to always "understand"? We want an itinery for our life, and when God doesn't immediately produce one, we set out to write our own.

"I need to know," we tell ourselves.
"No," God answers softly, "you need to trust."

(Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World)

When I could barely open my eyes and was feeling like my head could split, you were there with me and sustain me through with your strength and quiet presence, till the very end when I have done what I needed to. Thank you God :)

And I will follow after You

For You are my desire
Oh Jesus, my heart belongs to You

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