

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Process

I have been having dreams. Someone told me that you have dreams when your heart is burdened with something and is probably feeling worried or anxious. I searched my heart and I found nothing. Maybe I have not searched hard enough or maybe I have done it the wrong way. Then I realised, I have to search for the creator of the heart in order to find the answer. Because he who creates me knows me best. My weak points, my vulnerabilities, my fears, my dreams, my innermost being. Inside out. Yes, that's the word. The search has stopped, it is no longer necessary. Unless I am found in him, any form of searching is futile. In some ways, I think I understand but still not completely sure. The ways of men and the ways of God, it has always been a mystery on how they can coincide when one is imperfect and the other one perfect. The road to perfection is a never-ending one, in which the destination cannot be arrived at by mere effort. Then one may ask, what is the point of the process since we can never reach the end in this lifetime? The asker has missed the point totally because that is the point. The PROCESS. That which makes the difference. That which beauty unfolds over time, slowly but surely. That which does not focus on the outcome. That which makes the journey worth the while. Nothing is ever clear-cut but one thing is certain. As long as God is with us, we do not have to fear. Like Jacob who was blessed by God after having wrestled with Him. I was amazed by his courage and his conviction that God was with him every step of the way. The one who sees God makes the decision to abandon all other things and come before him in all transparency to be moulded by Him. The process may be a painful one, not a pleasant one but it's the best one. Only one thing is needed. Wow...there are so many things we feels we need all the time but our Most High says that only one thing is needed. Indeed, He is everything. Wat else do we need except him alone. The questions are many but there is only one answer and it never changes. An answer we can rest on for all times and all situations. I am humbled.

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