

Monday, March 22, 2010

I will survive

It was a seriously tiring week and feels like March will take forever to end...

I made yet another mistake at work yesterday, I forgot that I was supposed to work last night. The first time in my 4 years here. It was a terrible feeling on top of me already feeling tired and weak and also taking in the effect of my boss's sms that she wants a statement from me today. I started writing to God in my journal:

Things threaten to crumble again and I am like this little girl trying to hold it up on my own with my weak and feeble arms. Not much, I know.

The the next moment came an sms from the most unexpected person at home. He is a 20 year-old houseparent from Myanmar and has worked in the Home for a few months. This is the first time he sent an sms of encouragement to us:

" Sometimes you have to fall from the mountain to realise what you are climbing for...obstacles are placed in your wayto see if what we want is really worth fighting for...from every wound there's a scar, and every scar tells a story..a story that says, "I was deeply wounded but I survived"... ;)"

I was SUPER encouraged to say the least. I thanked him and he replied, " Welcome jie, nothing to do now thats why im forwarding some quotations to everyone. god bless"

I sure hope he often has nothing to do haha...God uses such an unexpected person to send a very timely encouragement. he is indeed the only one who knows our deepest needs and will meet them. Though the situation has not changed but knowing that He is present is good enough for me. I will be able to brave through it. I will survive!

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