

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

His faithfulness never fails

After many days of constantly checking the website for my assignment results (daily, hourly, minute-ly), it's finally up. The one which I dreaded receiving, the one which I find myself not understanding what I was writing, the one which I stayed up the whole night to do, the one which gave me the most headache, the first one of the year. Plainly put, the most cham one.

Well, thank God for a pretty good grade. One more point to distinction. I dun understand why it's always so close but never there. But I am feeling very elated because it was totally unexpected! I was still having a conversation with my boss yesterday and telling her candidly that I did not know what I was writing and I was afraid I might fail. She even asked me what will happen if I fail and I told her that I cannot fail because I cannot imagine doing the whole paper again and I re-emphasized, "I cannot fail." which follows with somewhat a look of shudder, I believe, as I spoke of it haha. She broke into laughter and said, "ok".

At least it looks like an essay, I often comfort myself after every essay I did which I did not feel satisfied about. It must be God, I am certain. It cannot happen if this is not His work in it. There are so many, "I would have" but He just banished all that with the outcome each and every time and assured me that the door was opened by Him. Only he can determine the outcome.

Yes, definitely. No doubts about it...

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