

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Imperfection is not a sin

One man's meat may be another's poison. Enough said. No one sees things the exact way as another. In such case, how does one empathise with the other? I often wonder why my thoughts and what I want can be so utterly different from someone else when it appears to be so real for me. I guess that's the reason why some people spend their whole life searching for that so-call kindred spirit or soulmate. Well well...even so, there is no 100% agreement all the time. The 'aha moments', as quickly and frequent as they come, may eventually fade off into a standstill which comes with familiarity. Having said that, the opposite holds true when time and increased interaction causes 2 seemingly different people to see things from the other perspective better. Not perfectly but better. To put yourself into someone else's shoes is no easy task. Imagine wearing a shoe one size bigger than your feet the whole day or worse, one size smaller than your feet. It's almost unbearable, you feel the pain the whole time. This is probably why people look for customisation to suit what they like and want. I say, "One size fits all" is crap. There is no such thing. It's either slightly too big or too small. There is no perfection. It's a give and take situation. Period.


Jiaxiang said...

For God created every individual unique, thus the term "individual". No one bears the exact similarities as another for God is not into "cloning" business. XD We can find people who share almost 100% interests, passions, likes and dislikes with us but we can never find another "me". That is why they are called friends and not another "me". Well... just my thoughts when it comes to wearing their shoe size... -___-'''

Jasmine Chia said...

haha, interesting thoughts..reminds me of what Pastor Jeff often says that, "If we are all the same then the other person is redundant"..
