

Monday, November 23, 2009

Year End Syndrome part 2

It has come to the time of the year that sets you thinking, planning and more planning...

With just one more month to go, it will be 2010. It's like, I am looking through the long checklist in front of me and wondering to myself when the last item will be checked off the list and then...all of a sudden comes the huge realisation that more is to come. The field placement, lessons etc.

The sinking feeling sets in and yup, I am so not ready. Again. The feeling's all too familiar. I used to call it the year-end syndrome. This year, it starts even earlier. Printed out my calendar for 2010 and I accidentally the December calendar, thinking that it was redundant, only to realise there is one month to go. Haha, I am baffled by myself. It's almost like tripping over yourself.

Ok, one step at a time. No rushing, just keep going and keep believing :) But there are just so many things I want to do. Can I finish them all and still keep the main thing the main thing?

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