

Friday, August 21, 2009

HIM Conference - Holy spirit empowered

It was a spirit-filled night...there was a prophecy which really touched me, "It's not about the intellectual transformation, it's about the heart transformation." The heart needs to be touched in order for change to take place. Knowing that something is wrong doesn't mean that we will feel guilty about doing something that is wrong. I have learnt from a workshop previously that humans are capable of possessing cognitive-distorted thoughts -thinking error, to convince ourselves that the wrong thing we are doing is harmless.

Pastor Dennis asked, "How many of you here have ever sin intentionally?" For a moment, there was a pause and a few people started to raise their hands. After that, many more hands and the auditorium was filled with raised hands. Nobody likes to think that they sin intentionally because the motive reflects our attitude towards sins but truth is - we are all fallible and good intentions alone cannot bring us salvation.

The holy spirit is likened to the dove and the wind. I personally like the analogy of the holy spirit as the dove very much:The dove never fights, the dove don't like noisy places, the dove is not territorial and once you release them, they will not fly back unless you feed it consistently.

Another point that struck me was when the pastor asks, "How many of you do not know what to do at times in your life?" This time round, many hands went up instantly. He shared a personal experience where he relied on the WOG in a fearful situation where his family and his life was at stake. "The words that come from God is not triggered out of emotional fear but it is the Holy spirit at work."We may not be 100% sure of God's next step for us but as long as we keeping going forward in the great commission, He can give us direction.

"We cannot steer the ship when it is in the harbour."

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