

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Women of faith conference Day 2 (Part 2)

The KEY to spiritual warfare is not to give Satan the headlines.

A 1-month old christian, God chose to use her to lead the women's ministry in a church in China, where her husband was sent for work. There she was, a young and ill-equiped christian who only knows how to open the bible and point to a passage where she asked God to speak to her. After being challenged, she went back home, did just that and lo and behold, God gave her the verse from the bible, "You did not choose me but I chose you..." What else can she say...God has answered her question, she was to lead the ministry. Not long after that, a friend came to her and told her that she is a backslided christian. She told her that if she were to start a bible study group, she will come but provided she talked about health as her son is often sick. She went home, uncertain and decided to commit this to God again. She went to look at the daily bread which a visitor had given her as repayment for allowing her to stay at her place, and God spoke again. This time, that our body is a temple of God. She had to accept the call. There is simply no coincidence to all this.That was how her ministry for women began 15 years ago. Her church which was initially to close down due to the communist influence during that period of time, was blessed by God to continue. They did and served together. Different denominations, different countries but a heart to build God's kingdom. From September to December, God grew the church from 60 people to a congregation of 600!

A Powerful testimony that shows it does not take a lot to serve God, just a willing heart...

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