

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Wanna use this entry to thank God for the CG - NG4B2. Each one in their uniqueness had made the times spent together an enjoyable one. Below are metaphors of how I view them:

Rachel: The Bridge-builder

Rachel often shares that she would tell people what others has shared about them that was encouraging as she feels that this adds greater encouragement to them. She is someone who tries to see the good in all the CG members and affirm them freely. This builds the group together and leads to connectedness. Thanks for being a bridge that connects.

Lennon: The Challenger

Lennon is a brother who enjoys challenges. He shared before that he is the kind of person, when he plays a game, will aim to attack the king first and charge straight ahead. He is someone who is not afraid to take risks and makes an effort to know each member very quickly when he first joins us. His willingness to take the initiative breaks the ice quickly and adds dynamism.

Tracy: The Gardener
Tracy is a faithful sister who is very much alive in her spiritual walk and the way she treats others. She nurtures the people in the group and feed them with encouragement and love. Her growth in her character also acts as an example to the others in the CG and they connect easily to her. She shared that she will not compromise on meeting up with the people important to her.

Jason: The Survivor

Jason is a brother who is undaunted by difficult situations and thrives under pressure. He is focused and detailed and continues to keep his ideals despite the changing circumstances. With his perservering spirit, he led by example to the CG and is efficient in things under his charge. A responsible person, he keeps his deadlines even in his busyness.

Shuling: The Fun-Lover

Shuling is the youngest sister in the CG and the most energetic and excitable. She is most up-to-date with contemporary music and new ways of doing things. Often filled with many ideas, she adds on dynamism and atmosphere to the CG. She encourages with her youth and bubbliness and her simple love for God. She is a great support and will take initiative to help out.

Jonathan: The Intellectual

Jonathan is a brother who reads a lot, especially the wikipedia. He is knowledgeable in many areas and often adds insight to CG discussions with his contributions. He has started sharing more and through his sharing, has supported the understanding of the CG. Also, his supportive spirit by being willing to help out in the back scene is encouraging as he seldoms says no.

Jiayan: The Pathfinder

Clarence: The Observer

Clarence is a brother who is very obervant of his surroundings. He has a keen awareness of his surroundings and is able to make sense of things and share in a most interesting way. He will often voice out what he sees in the CG and give feedback. His feedbacks helps the CG to move on as we evaluate and improve. His favourite line is, "I realised that..."


Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." ~ 1 Peter 1:22-25

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