

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Here are some of my scribblings in the beginning of the year, during my QT moment at Austin hill resort when I was having my dmm retreat. Looking at the golf course in front of me, I started scribbling....

Our Christian life is like the slopes, up and down. Sometimes, we go up and sometimes down but eventually we know that we are traveling on God's turf and because of that, we can be secure and assured. Sometimes, we fall into the lake and we struggle. If we struggle even longer until we finally collect our senses, ask God for peace and try to deal with the situation by keeping our bodies afloat, this means that we must be willing to be in the water and face the discomfort until we can get out of it. As the same time, we understand that such situations does occur and we do not need to be surprised. In God, we can have the faith to come out of the water. As we move on in the journey with the destination in mind, let us not forget to stop and smell the roses. Appreciate the good things in life and thank the people who are in the journey together. Lend a hand to someone not because you have to but because you want to. These are your motivations and strengths to keep you going when you are at your lowest. Sometimes, you get lost and you wonder if you will ever get there. The road ahead looks uncertain and scary. You wonder if you should take the next step. Your logic tells you to weigh the cost and calculate the risks. You spend so much time doing that and it gets dark. You are even more lost and fearful to move on. You miss out on the good things God wanted to give you. But move on because God has a great plan for you. He has better things ahead...

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