

Friday, January 28, 2011

There is always two sides to a coin

Wondering why it keeps raining...the thought of wanting to go cycling thrown out of the window.

Today the instructor was very funny, he asked me, "ni zao dao ni de bai ma wang zi le ma?" haha, turns out he wants to intro his son to me. I learnt how to do a U-turn a few more times today, needs to be more familiarised though. Hoping to book my practical test on 2nd April. Was quite scared when I was driving at the narrow road with the lorry in front of me. I am still ay 40km/hr...when can I successfully go on the road on my own?

Has been an emotional time and still is... I just pray that God will lift me out of this in due time...prob coupled with PMS as well. Well...hoping this will end soon. In His timing. I need to be reminded that this is just a part of my life, though my passion and that I have invested much in it, it's still a part of my life. I can overcome it.

I did a silly thing, submitting entries on love to the newspaper contest. Fun and I do hope I can be one of the 50 entries. Looking forward to the announcement of results on 11th Feb :)

Everytime I ask June how her day is, she will ask me not to ask her so often cos her answer will be "normal" or "it's ok" and she will comment that something always seems to happen everyday in my life. I wonder whether such a 'happening' life is good cos it's pretty tiring. I feel in touch and engaged but also tired sometimes. It's like on and on and on. Two sides to a coin :)

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