

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Motto: Destress and Relax

I realised that when I am not making an effort to think about things, I can actually think better. The stress hormones does not interfere and block out the creative thoughts and the feeling's definitely lighter. I used to see myself as a thinker but now I found out that I am actually a worrier. Therefore, I am really a feeler cos worry is a feeling. This month's motto is going to be destress and relax. I wrote down a list of things which helps me to relax and destress:

- watching drama/ movie
- exercising
- positive thoughts
- enough sleep
- keeping my stuff neat & organised
- do not be late so i dun need to rush
- massage
- music
- shopping
- new calendar
- playing guitar
- therapeutic oil/ scent

Looking at the limited free slots left, I wonder how much of these I can actually do but heck, when I am free, I can do any of it. When the headache comes, I am just going to drop it and relax. Sounds like a good plan :)

A few things to thank God for today:
(1) Sms from ZY throughout the day asking how I am, thanks :)
(2) Prayer by a boy during rainbows class
(3) Sms from a long-time friend to catch-up
(4) Dinner at home
(5) Boss took me out of emcee role
(6) Finally repaired my shoes
(7) Watched an episode of the drama I just bought

Things will get better! Come on!

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