

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today was like an overdose of the sharing from the men in church (in a good way)...

Once used to be known as a feminist (though I refute that), I find myself becoming more appreciative and touched by sharings from men on how God changed their lives and shaped their thinking, moulding them to be who they can be in Christ. The thoughts which runs through their minds as they processed though their decision-making and the convictions which drives them to action.

The sharing by Ah Long on his decision to quit his job when he had not gotten a job and how God blessed him with more revenue and more time with his family...

The testimony from Pastor Jeff on how he intentionally discipled Sean to build deeper emotional connection with the brothers in Chile...

The sharing from James at WFL on how our Dmm is not ministry machines but rather ministers...

The quick follow-up of email updates by the instructor on the WFL class which has ended...

Lastly, the funny moment when Brother A introduced himself as , "the husband of so-and-so" which was quickly poked fun by another brother, "You mean that is your full-time job?"

Jokes aside, I think it was nice of him to identify himself as the husband when she was seated next to him :)

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