

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thank God It's Friday

The first weekend to look forward to, after many weeks of lessons. This time round, I can truly say "Thank God It's Friday!" with conviction. Inside of me, I am just screaming away. Whoo Hoo! lol

It has become such a routine that I am somewhat numb but definitely not so that I can't enjoy the weekends. The thought of it being "My time" in itself is liberating. Life is meant to be lived, not simply to be talked about, discussed about and furiously taking down of notes.

"Really knowing God comes through experience as He reveals Himself to you"
- Henry Blackaby

"You'll never get true spirituality from someone or something else.
If you're going to taste God's glory, it is going to have it come to you right where you are
- in your present circumstances, pleasant or unpleasant."

(From Spritual Seasons: Discover God's purpose for each stage of your life)

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