

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Getting comfortable with discomfort

"When we are thinking small, we crave preordained outcomes. We want to know what’s going to happen before we begin. Control is an illusion. The need to know how and where prevents all progress. Outcomes are not the starting point. . . . When we seek to control it, it’s because we fear the unknown, the out of control. What we fear is reality because ultimately it can never be controlled. "

(Michael Port, The Think Big Manifesto)

The way to be comfortable with discomfort is to resist nothing and to think about our feeings. The instinctual behavior in the face of a crisis is to avoid or fight it. It takes great courage to face it squarely for what is to come. To learn to relax in the discomfort. To allow the feelings to set in. To surrender control.

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