

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand

This morning I woke up tired and that would be an understatement. I had a long and draining day yesterday. When I awoke, I made a silent prayer to God, "God, please touch my heart today." It was a prayer of desperation because I know I need to stay close to Him, to be touched in the spirit so I can go through the day, with the many things ahead.

I opened my mailbox, a familiar heading stood out to me. I immediately clicked on it. In it was the most touching sharing I have heard/read for this week. I am very moved and I really thank my dear friend for the story and baring her heart :) It spoke right into my heart.

Psalm 73: 21-23
"When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered,
I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you.
Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (v26)

Some moments in our lives remain forever fresh. Like a scene from a movie embedded in our soul, we can recall with uncanny clarity every nuance of certain events which occured years, even decades ago. The story i share here is one of those - an unforgettable, dramatic moment in my life when the world seemed very unfair. That moment left me so devastated, i was ready to forsake my relationship with God and quit the Christian life. But God met me in that time of needs like never before. (from the book, Yet I am always with you)

For all of us, there will be such a moment/moments in our lives we are/will be able to relate to the above paragraph so well, just that it is a different scene for each of us. I certainly remember mine. The intensity of it all left me cold and a "brute beast" I was. But God's love pierced through and did His stirring. When it feels like nothing matters anymore, God is the only one we really need.

He is always with us and will never leave nor forsake us.

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