

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The little girl in me

Humans are complex creatures and when we come together, things become even more complicated. When I was studying the characters in the literature texts in my JC and Uni days, I was often baffled by the underlying meanings behind the character's behaviors. It was simply too chim for me, someone who had not been through much in life. It was like swimming in deep waters. Total clarity was almost impossible haha. As I look back, I was like..."Ahh, now I get it. I know why they do what they do (not fully) but I am better able to understand, identify and appreciate the meanings behind their choices and actions. I am introduced into a world where things cannot be simplified to a mere set of equations. The more I think I know, the more I realised how little I know. But it's a good feeling. Its the feeling of awakening. The awakening of the little girl in me.

Sometimes things don't get through till we experienced enough to truly understand.

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