

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Confessions of A Shopaholic

This is an absolutely hilarious show that had me and June laughing throughout (almost)...A light comedy that paints the human weakness in a realistic yet funny way through the life of a character who stumbles and fall, pick herself up and continues her way. Her character just grows on you as you laugh at the ridiculous things she does such as keeping her credit card in an ice cube so she can't get her hands on it. While shopping has become an obession for her, it works for her as well as she truly believes in the beauty of it, just as she said, "When I shop, the world becomes beautiful." I believe there is an idiosyncracy in all of us that makes us feel this way some time in our lives, when we deeply appreciate something in such a way that others cannot agree with in the same extent. I like it when the manequins came to life and becomes a personification of the temptations she faces. Makes me wonder about te insatiable appetite we all have and the need to feed it. Before we know it, if we are not careful enough, we are consumed by it. I believe it takes honesty and humility to face with it, deal with it and make a clean break with it, just like how she snap the credit card into 2. Real therapy takes place inside and is revealed in the behavior, attesting to the internal beliefs. It all starts with a confession

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