

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Let go and Let God

Which is more difficult? To give up an opportunity or to take on one? hmmm...I guess for me, both are difficult. However, if I have to choose, I would say the first is tougher cos an opportunity carries with it the many possibilities which will be missed if not taken up. The worst will be the regrets which will follow if it was a wrong decision made to give it up. I wouldn't want to end up regretting something I choose not to do due to my limitations. To take on an opportunity, on the other hand brings with it the big C - Commitment, which to me, means holding on to it no matter how difficult it gets and not to give up unless it is really impossible. In a way, there is a greater certainty involved as we count the costs and kind of know what we are in for. Yep, the key word is to take responsibility for our decisions. In the curious case of benjamin button, benjamin says, "Life is defined by opportunities, even the ones you missed." It makes a lot of sense to me. Recently, I had to make the decision to change my portfolio. To take up the opportunity would bring some changes to my current job scope and I can try new things. I had my set of fears as well at the same time. A question I ask myself is, "If this opportunity is being taken by someone else if I rejected it, how will I respond to it?" I feel this is a key question for me, on the decision to make. Unless and until I can face with this possibility, I cannot make a sound decision. I remember what Pastor shared before that if we are clearer of our vision, we have have lesser options and will make better decisions. Indeed, as Tracy and I agreed upon together, not all opportunities are from God. I need to know what I want. Towards the end of the timeline I had to make the decision, things suddenly became crystal clear to me. God has given me a calling and I will keep my focus until He reveals more. Anything else that compromises His calling for me, will not be what He intends for me. Just like Moses, my prayer to God is for His presence to be with me in all the things I undertake.

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