

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Horse-riding @ Rider's Lodge, JB

We are on our anticipation!!!

Here we are! Where are the horses? :D

Received by a warm welcome from the lady boss...

Applying sunblock first...dun wanna get chao da later... The view from the other side...

hmmm...what shall I eat? All looks good...

THe birthday girl with her horseshoe, a gift from the boss...

Time to get going...Kampong Boy is so sweet, I am attracted to him :) FYI, all the horses are castrated and most of them are males. There are only 5 females, mainly used for breeding. The oldest horse is 35 years old. The trainer say we are too soft with the horses and we need to be more firm cos the horses have a mind of their own. If we do not control them, they'll take control. So gotta show them who's the boss...

On the horses, up and going! Mine is true blue, his eyes is blue :) and he is very competitive, tried to overtake the horse in front and bit him twice when I was not looking. Dun have to kick much cos he is very motivated already... He is 19 years old. I asked the trainer if the horses ever run way and he said they all did but went back eventually. I asked him what the horses like to do and he said, "bully the rider." Oops...
Tracy's horse is Buster Brown, very cute and hungry too. U can see him eating the grass. Keep hearing her go, "Come on Buster, come on!" Yanzi's is Mr Grey, very stable, just to her liking :) She feels very secure on it. Good old Mr Grey. June's horse is Kimberly, most good-looking. She was so happy with it! :) Who says, "Monkey see, monkey do?" I say, "Horses see, horses do". Trac's horse galloped and June's horse followed suit. The trainer's horse pooed and my horse did as well..haha

Yanzi, as invited by the lady boss, played "I wish u Jesus". She played so well!! and gotten the rest of us a horseshoe each..thks to her :D


Anonymous said...

Who drove? So good to be in your cg.. haha.. Can I have this horse ridding contact from you? How much did you spend?

Anonymous said...

Hihi...we booked a cab. haha, it was just among some of us, not really in the same CG. You can go to this website: About $100+