

Friday, February 27, 2009

Enjoy The Journey

Gave a training this morning on, "Companioning Children Using Creative Methods." When my boss heard the title, she said, " Sounds quite wordy". Oops.. haha.. it's ok. The content is more improtant, I thought. The training, I'm glad I managed to pull it off. I find myself enjoy doing this very much. Doing the presentation slides and explaining of the concepts, giving examples. I enjoyed every moment of it :D As part of the training, I get them to draw about a recent experience with a child in the Home or a childhood experience. After that, they have to "companion" one another through the session of sharing their experiences. At the end of the session, we had a debrief.

All shared that they had a good time and that it was good to take a step back from work to engage themselves in some time for themselves. A colleague said, "It was a very therapeutic experience". There were lotsa laughter, good interaction among the colleagues. Afterall, when else can u have such a time with your boss..hee hee.. and learn about her childhood experience.

The clearer the vision, the lesser the options, the better the decision. I feel clearer that training is an area I enjoy. The interaction in a group setting, facilitation, sharing of experiences. I pray for opportunities to come!

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