

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Back To Student Life Week 1

I had my first lessons this weekend. Back to student life week how does it feel? One word. Drained. Not that work is easy but to sit through the lessons in the same place with the same people and expected to be mentally engaged almost the whole time from 9-630pm. Well, that's tiring. That aside, I made 2 new friends. They are both non-singaporeans, wives of foreign expats migrated to stay in Singapore. It was interesting that God provided a common topic for us to talk about despite our differences. Dreams. We are interested in dreams and shared our dreams to one another. We planned to jot down significant dreams & relate them to our life events ...
So, what did I learn from the lessons? Here's 1 thing...

In Freud's Structural model, he talks about our Ego-Defence Mechanisms which means our automatic forms of response to fearful situations, to protect ourselves from anxiety. Let me try to illustrate each mechanism with examples...
Hypothetical example:
Situation: My assignment is due tomorrow. My partner and I have not finished it
Possible responses:
(1) Regression - Ok..let me see if I can get my parent to help me with this...
(2) Introjection - My partner is busy. It's ok, I will miss my sleep tonight to finish it
(3) Identification - It's all right, my partner will support me together in this assignment
(4) Compensation - Let me treat myself to a nice bar of chocolate first before I continue
(5) Obsessive-compulsive - If I can't hand in, I'll be seen as a failure. I'll call my lecturer to say that my partner has not done anything at all
(6) Somatization - Oh no, I feel that I am going to faint...
(7) Splitting - If I do not hand in my assignment on time, I will fail. I cannot afford that
(8) Repression - Is the deadline for the assignment tmr? I can't remember...
(9) Denial - It's ok, there is still 24 hours more to finish it...
(10) Reaction formation
- I am worried but I am not going to let my partner know. I'll be cool
(11) Projection - I must call my partner now to tell her how urgent this is...
(12) Displacement - Hey my partner is not helping at all, I am doing all the work!! ('_')"
(13)Rationalization - Ok, let me get my mind straight... we'll do our best to finish it
(14) Sublimation - If I do my assignment well, it's going to change my life! We can do it :)

So, What will my response be? No idea. Maybe (3), (4) or (13). And (15) Pray to God for maximum effectiveness and strength :)

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