

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Unconditional Love Of God

Today's sermon strike a chord in my heart. The topic is on The Unconditional Love of God. Love of God - A simple truth yet speaks a lot. Pastor Jeff shared that he had been asked to share on the topic of love many times and each time he struggled due to his misconceptions of the meaning of love. The misconceptions are that love is a feeling and that love is uncontrollable. I remember a module I studied in Uni... it's called, " Understanding your emotions." There was a tutorial in which we had a most interesting debate on whether human can live without emotions. The opposition were sure having a hard time and in the end, all agreed that it is impossible. We need to be engaged with our feelings! However, the dangerous part comes when we allow our feelings to take full control of our behaviors. Hence, we need to allow God to be be in control of our thoughts and feelings. Follow our hearts, but follow God first :)

Another thing he shared sets me thinking, "When we realised that Jesus is all that we have left, we realised He is all that we need." I couldn't agree more with this statement. Often times, it is only during the dire moments in life that we treasure what we have. When we reach the state where we question if life is worth living, we talk in terms of need and not want. It's these things that keeps us going. A friend shared with me that his friend, 24 years old, just committed suicide due to a relationship problem. I feel saddened by the fragility of life and the hopelessness that drives people to put an end to it.

A world without God will perish and we need to be people-chasers and be bold to proclaim His gospel to the world. He has come so that we may live life to the full.

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." - John 10:10b

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