

Friday, December 5, 2008

Finishing Well - What People Who Really Live Do Differently

Synopsis of the book:
On the edge of a New Frontier...

Author Bob Buford calls them "pathfinders" - individuals for whom age 40 and beyond has been an opportunity to further their significance rather than to rest on their success. They are people who have pioneered the art of finishing well in these modern times, and who can teach us to do the same, starting today. Buford sought out 60 of these trailblazers - including management guru Peter Drucker, leadership mentor Ken Blanchard and philosopher and academic, Dallas Willard - and has recorded their lively conversations in these pages so that they can serve us as "mentors in print" for all of us. Twenty years from now the rules for this second adulthood as a productive season of life may be better known. But for now, we are out across the frontier breaking new ground. Buford gives you a chance to sit at the feet of these pioneers and learn from them about finishing well so that they may shift into a far more fulfilling life now, no matter your age. A life of significance that will be a legacy for future generations too.

I am currently reading this book, "Finishing Well". Through conversations of people who have been there and done that, it provided me a lot of insights into living with a purpose in mind. I felt quite overwhelmed as I flip through the pages as the issues discussed are coming from people who have lived more than half of their lives. It is that kind of feeling that you get when planning for the rest of your days before your death. Make the most of it before it's too late. Yup, tht's the gist!

Dallas talks about the critical difference between success and significance. As stated by him, success is when we are able to control the outcomes whereas significance is achieved when we leave the outcomes to God, trusting that He is in control of all things. "A power beyond our control". He shared about a story about how the dogs are trained in Florida. The dogs are given an electric rabbit to chase after. One day, the electric rabbit broke down and the dogs, at a loss what to do, started yelping and bting one another. They are in the state of confusion. Dallas asks, "What is the rabbit in our lives?"

Following from the story shared, the dogs were disillusioned as the rabbit broke down. This was probably because it was what they did not expect. The things that we do and invest in, how many of these things actually last? It's easier to invest in something which the outcomes are clear or at least appears clear to us but many a times, it may not be what meets the eyes. Are we willing to throw ourselves into the sea of uncertainty for something we believe in and yet is not sure of the outcomes.

As I look at the year ahead, there are many committments and new things to embrace. I ask myself, am I ready for all these. Didn't I want all this? What is happening now...cold feet? Perhaps I want to take on more without letting go of others. Preparation work is needed! I tell myself but how much preparation work is enough, I do not know. I have not been there and done that. However, I want to commit all my outcomes to God and SURRENDER.

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